Take-off Slot Time
2.An Air Traffic Flow & Capacity Management (ATFCM) departure slot, forming part of an Air Traffic Control (ATC) clearance, which is issued to a flight affected by Network Management regulations. It is defined by a time and tolerance (-5 to +10 minutes) during which period the flight is expected to take-off. A landing slot, takeoff slot, or airport slot is a permission granted by the owner of an airport designated as Level 3 (Coordinated Airport), which allows the grantee to schedule a landing or departure at that airport during a specific time period. Playing slot machines can be a perfectly legitimate way of spending your time in a casino. It’s a lot of fun, and casinos are all about entertainment. But thinking that you’re going to win because of some goofy slot machine myths you found on the Internet is going to lead to disappointment, not fun.
Link | Semantic Value |
Term | Calculated Take-Off Time |
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Mandatory for | |
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Related entries | Actual Take-Off Time (ATOT) Estimated Take-Off Time (ETOT) Target Take-Off Time (TTOT) |
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Narrower term |
1.A time calculated and issued by the Central Flow Management unit, as a result of tactical slot allocation, at which a flight is expected to become airborne.

2.An Air Traffic Flow & Capacity Management (ATFCM) departure slot, forming part of an Air Traffic Control (ATC) clearance, which is issued to a flight affected by Network Management regulations. It is defined by a time and tolerance (-5 to +10 minutes) during which period the flight is expected to take-off.
Definition Source

Take-off Slot Time For
1. EUROCONTROL/IATA/ACI, Airport CDM Implementation Manual, V.4, March 2012
2. NM Glossary (2014)
Take-off Slot Times

Reference: ICAO Doc 7030/4 – EUR, Table 7

Lexicon Release
Lexicon Release 2016.1